Reports and Publications 

Eliminating Lead in Schools and Child Care. A workshop report by the Children's Environmental Health Network, Healthy Schools Network, and the Learning Disabilities Association of America. April, 2018.


Volatile organic compounds and particulate matter in child care facilities in the District of Columbia: Results from a pilot study. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2015.12.005


Findings from a pilot environmental health intervention at early childhood centers in the District of Columbia. Journal of Public Health, first published online September, 2015. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdv135


Evaluation of the Children’s Environmental Health Network’s Environmental Stewardship Checklist Responses. Journal of Environ Health , 77 (7): 22-28. March, 2015.  (Posted with permission from the Journal of Environmental Health, a publication of the National Environmental Health Association,  Further posting or reproduction of this article is restricted. For permission, contact


Reducing Environmental Exposures in Child Care Facilities: A Review of State Policy