Children's Environmental Health Network

Together, we can create a healthier, safer, more equitable world for all children - where fewer children suffer from preventable health issues. Here at the Children's Environmental Health Network (CEHN), we believe that all kids should be able to live, learn, and play in places that help them thrive, not make them sick.

Building a Better Future

We are leading a movement and driving systemic change to improve kids’ health and well-being by:

Join Us As We Push For Transformative Change.

CEHN has been the leader of the children’s environmental health movement in the nation’s capital for over thirty years, and we’ve come a long way, but there is still so much to do. Children continue to face preventable threats to their health and wellness. Many families still face impossible choices between their well-being and their financial security. Communities are still being systemically divested from and disproportionately exposed to harmful chemicals. Climate change magnifies environmental health threats for all, but especially for children in communities with lower wealth and communities of color. We can do better. Our children deserve better. 

What is Children's Environmental Health?

Children today live in an environment vastly different from previous generations. 

Explosions in technology, information, population, and material goods mark the end of the 20th century. 

Some of these changes, especially the increasing extraction and combustion of fossil fuels and the increasing manufacture and use of man-made chemicals, can impact not only the environment around us but also our health and our children's health. 

Children's Environmental Health Issues Encompass:

The Physical Environment

(e.g., noise, housing, natural settings)

The Chemical Environment

(e.g., viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms)

And the Biological Environment to Which We and Our Children Are Exposed.

e.g., natural and man-made chemicals and elements