
Several priority actions cut across the recommendations and emerged as the first steps to creating transformative change in children’s environmental health. These priority actions are also listed within the recommendations.


Action 1. Create a Children’s Environmental Health Collective and Coordinated Body

  • Creating transformative societal change requires coordinated support and action at the national, state, and local levels and among many entities – government, non-government, the general public, businesses, and more.


Action 2. Develop and Deploy Strong and Effective Messaging

  • Strong, effective, and collective messages that resonate with target groups – public, youth, and business – are essential. The development of these messages will require the guidance of communication experts. The messages need to be value and evidence-based.


Action 3. Engage and Involve Youth

  • Youth must be included in the call to the action and among the primary messengers. And, they need to be engaged in all activities and levels of this blueprint including message and policy development.


Action 4. Develop Top 10 Policy Actions

  • A robust policy framework as the foundation is needed for all actions moving forward.


Action 5. Enhance and Use Online Technology and Social Media

  • Easily accessible, relevant, and timely information is critical to empowering action.


Action 6. Determine and Enhance Children’s Environmental Health Indicators

  • Children’s environmental health indicators are critical to hold society and others accountable, to help make the case for the urgency of the problem, and to demonstrate where progress has been made or not. These indicators need to be understandable, measurable, and evidence-based and must include the health costs and benefits of prevention.