Policy & Advocacy


CEHN promotes and advocates for the development of sound public health, environmental, climate change, health equity, and child-focused national policy.

Our policy and advocacy work can take many different forms. To name a few:

Laws, Policies, & Regulations

Industries and individuals in the U.S. are governed in large part by laws, policies, and regulations. The health of individuals and communities is often impacted by regulations, policies, or laws that dictate what industries and companies are allowed to do. This can be broad as standards and reporting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires for factories that release toxic emissions into our air. It can also be as personal as requiring companies to list potentially harmful ingredients used to make menstrual products.

A Different Future

CEHN advocates for regulations, laws, and policies that are based in science, focused on preventing harm, are equitable, and take children’s unique vulnerabilities into consideration. This can look like stricter industry pollution and greenhouse gas emissions standards, incentives for clean energy, banning toxic pesticides, improved protections for agricultural workers, etc. Typically, the laws, regulations, and policies we address concern cleaner water, safer food, climate change mitigation and adaptation, a toxic-free economy, healthy places, environmental & climate justice & health equity, and access to nature.

How can you get involved?

Voter Guide

The 2024 elections offer an opportunity to center our national, state, and local priorities on children’s health and environments. We need political leaders at all levels of government who put the health of children, their future, and their families first. 

Check out our updated Voter Guide for an easy “How To” on assessing your local, state, and national candidates by their commitment to our children’s health, safety, and future.


Sign up for our monthly policy newsletter to stay in the loop and receive relevant calls to action.


Join us for Children’s Environmental Health Day on the second Thursday of October. This event is a rallying point for child health advocates across the world. It’s a great time to push forward with policy and advocacy efforts.