Careers & Internships

Applications Open!

Children’s Environmental Health and Healthy Housing Summer Fellowship

Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. ET on March 14, 2025.

The environments where we live, learn, work, and play have a profound impact on our health. This paid summer fellowship program will give up to three individuals with an interest in environmental health an opportunity to intern with the National Center for Healthy Housing and the Children’s Environmental Health Network, two national organizations leading the fight for healthier environments.

The people selected as this year’s fellows will be invited to choose from a range of projects and/or submit their own ideas for projects related to a broad array of children’s environmental health, healthy housing, and/or climate and health topics and may take a variety of different approaches to addressing public health challenges (e.g., research, policy, training, awareness building, communications, capacity building).

Fellows are asked to commit to 320 hours of work (spread over 8-15 weeks) and will be compensated $8,260 ($18 per hour plus a $2,500 fellowship stipend to be paid in two $1,250 installments).


Children’s Environmental Health Network has spent over thirty years as a leader for children’s environmental health in the nation’s capital. Interns gain experience with leading one or more projects related to children’s environmental health, networking with and being mentored by leaders in the field of environmental health with extensive experience and connections, and gaining valuable insight into the role of national nonprofits in public health and the environment. 

Positions Offered

CEHN offers the following internships, although they may not all be available every semester: 

  1. Carol Stroebel Policy and Health Education Internship
  2. Communications, Marketing, and Design Internship
  3. Eco-Healthy Child Care® Internship
  4. Children’s Environmental Health Research Translation (CEHRT) Internship

Internship Terms

Interns and supervisors collaboratively design interns’ schedules bearing the following in mind:

  • Internships generally run January-May (spring), May-August/September (summer), or September-December (fall), although there is quite a bit of flexibility with this.
  • Interns must have the same “office hours” each week when they are expected to be active and online. These hours should overlap somewhat with their supervisor’s working hours. Interns are generally expected work work a minimum of 15 hours per week, although there may be some flexibility with this.
  • All internships are at least primarily remote, if not fully remote. Some internships may allow occasional in-office work when their CEHN supervisor is in the Washington, DC office.


How to Apply

Submit resume, cover letter, and completed application to with the internship position you are applying for in the subject line of your email. You may apply for multiple internships at the same time.

Applications are accepted year round. 

  • Fall 2025 application deadline: 11:59 pm ET on July 31, 2025
  • Spring 2026 application deadline: 11:59 pm ET on October 31, 2025
  • Summer 2026 application deadline:11:59 pm ET on  February 28, 2026

School Credit, Stipends, and Practicums

Students will need to contact their school to ensure internships qualify for credits. Interns are generally entitled to either school credit or a stipend from CEHN, although extenuating circumstances may exist. These internships may be used as a practicum experience for some graduate schools-simply apply for the internship that best aligns with your work and interests. Students are responsible for making supervisors aware of school credit requirements (learning objectives, minimum required hours, etc).

About the Internships:

Communications, Marketing, and Design Internship:

Communications help CEHN promote the development of sound national policy, educate health professionals, policymakers and community members in preventive strategies, and elevate public awareness of environmental hazards to children. CEHN is looking for applicants who want to hone skills in effective, equity-minded, non-profit digital communications. Interns will gain skills and confidence with basic graphic design, social media strategy, and digital communications tools. Any creatively minded candidates may apply, but this position is designed for individuals studying or with a background in communications, digital strategy or design, journalism, public health, environmental studies, public or nonprofit administration, public policy, or health sciences. A creative spirit, interest in children’s health and the environment, experience with creating educational graphics and posting on social media, and strong writing skills are encouraged. [fully remote]

Carol Stroebel Policy and Health Education Internship:

Carol Stroebel, former Director of Training and Policy at CEHN, was a long time champion for children's environmental health who dedicated her career to promoting public health and public interest policies. Carol's invaluable contributions to the field included not only policy work but also leadership in education and practice. This is not a government relations or legislative position. For instance, we do not often draft legislation or organize or participate in direct visits with congressional offices, but we do occasionally organize congressional briefings, and more rarely review and provide feedback on legislation and organize/attend visits to policymakers.This internship will focus on public health and children's environmental health policy–specifically, analyzing and communicating critical policy and regulatory developments to our audiences, and assisting with advocacy efforts. Individuals studying or with a background in public health, environmental studies, public or nonprofit administration, public policy, communication/journalism or health sciences are welcome to apply. The position requires very strong written communication skills and proven leadership experience. [fully remote or mostly remote]

Eco-Healthy Child Care® Internship:

CEHN’s national Eco-Healthy Child Care® (EHCC) program strives to make child care facilities as environmentally healthy as possible by educating and empowering child care professionals to reduce toxicants within their child care facilities using free or low-cost measures. Those passionate about protecting our nation’s youngest from exposures to common environmental health hazards, and those interested in early education and care settings, training and educating programs, and initiatives that seek to effect change via the marketplace, will find this internship rewarding. Individuals studying or with a background in public health, environmental studies, public or nonprofit administration, public policy, communication/journalism or health sciences are welcome to apply. The position requires strong research, organization, and communication skills, attention to detail, and social media/social marketing experience. Creativity and graphic design skills are a plus. [fully remote or mostly remote]

Children's Environmental Health Research Translation (CEHRT) Internship:

Since 2022, CEHN has led the first National Coordinating Center for a network of 6 Collaborative Centers in Children's Environmental Health Research and Translation (CEHRT) funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of the National Institutes of Health. This internship supports this work through promotional and administrative efforts. What does the intern do? Responsibilities include (but are not limited to) developing a monthly e-digest of CEHRT Centers' news and media coverage, updates, resources, etc, attending CEHRT meetings and associated workgroup meetings, taking notes and following up on action items, helping to schedule additional CEHRT meetings, developing social media posts, and promoting Centers' pilot project opportunities and application deadlines.

Job Postings

CEHN does not have any open staff positions at this time.