
Join Us

Are you interested, passionate or work in children's environmental health? Do you share our mission to protect children from environmental health hazards and want to get more involved?

CEHN Newsletters

  • The CEHN weekly e-digest covers children’s environmental health events, job postings, resources and reports, and funding opportunities.
  • The Patron monthly newsletter focuses on federal children’s environmental policy: from legislative, regulatory, and administrative updates, calls to action, and CEHN leadership updates.
  • Sign up for Special Event and News to be the first to hear important CEHN notices and happenings.
  • Sign up for CEH Day newsletters to get updates, resources, and event notices that pertain to our Children’s Environmental Health Day celebration on the second Thursday of each October.

Eco-Healthy Child Care® Eco Hot Tips

Receive monthly Eco Hot Tips from Eco-Healthy Child Care® on ways to keep your home, child-care and/or learning environments environmentally healthy for children. Subscribe HERE.