Support for Science


CEHN promotes and stimulates research that informs child-protective policy & practice. We also forge links between researchers and others work on behalf of children to move valuable research into communities for people who need it most.

Collaborative Centers in Children’s Environmental Health Research and Translation

Since 2022, CEHN has led the first National Coordinating Center for a network of 6 Children’s Environmental Health Research Translation (CEHRT) Centers funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of the National Institutes of Health.

CEHRT Centers provide infrastructure, training opportunities, data science tools, stakeholder engagement, and time-sensitive pilot grants to support developing and disseminating evidence-informed interventions that protect children from environmental hazards where they live, go to school, and play.

These Centers are located across the United States and act as resources for researchers, federal and state agencies, healthcare professionals, and community members in developing practical solutions to protects children’s health.

CEHN's Role

CEHN supports this goal by convening the CEHRT Center network, facilitating networking, sharing resources, and other support via a central platform, regular meetings, and events.  We also promote the CEHRT program (and their tools, resources, pilot projects, and catalyst opportunities) within the scientific community and beyond, to our broader audiences. We facilitate the development of a program-wide evaluation to assess impact on children’s health and equity.


We are experts in organizing such conferences, where scientific leaders and early career researchers share their findings, network, and reflect on the policy and practice implications of their research.

Academic Institutions

We also work with academic centers and institutions to help translate their children’s environmental health research findings to wider audiences.

Federal Research Programs

CEHN also advises federal research programs on research gaps and priorities to help ensure that the national research agenda for children’s environmental health is meeting the needs of families and communities.